
Smith & Wesson Unveils AI-Powered Security Turret System, Will Donate To Select Faith Based Schools

The historic firearms company has voiced its concern over the rising epidemic of school shootings plaguing the nation. "Enough thoughts and prayers, it's time to take action," said P. James Debney, CEO of the American gun manufacturer. "Since the assault rifle ban expired, we've reaped considerable profits. Now we're exploring artificial intelligence and image recognition to apply cutting-edge technology to an issue previously limited to sci-fi and video games." In a rare move, the company has openly discussed the technology they've developed and is considering licensing it to other gun makers. "We believe it's our patriotic duty to make this system available wherever it's needed. We envision turrets mounted in libraries, universities, churches, supermarkets, and movie theaters," added Mr. Debney. The WOJC-AR15 (Wrath of Jesus Christ) system, dubbed "WOKE AR15," works by detecting individuals who appear suspicious and are

OpenSSH Debian Wheezy with Google Authenticator and Pubkey.

This set up requires OpenSSH 6.6 or greater Add wheezy-backports sudo su echo 'deb wheezy-backports main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wheezy-packports.list apt-get update Install openssh and google authenticator for PAM apt-get install openssh-server libpam-google-authenticator -y Configure PAM edit /etc/pam.d/sshd and add the following line before @include common-auth auth sufficient Configure SSH Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config by changing the following values ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes Add this line too: AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive Restart ssh service ssh restart Bypass google authenticator for trusted network or host, will still need public key or password Add these lines at the end of /etc/ssh/sshd_config (keep indentation) Match Address IP_ADDRESS/CIDR     AuthenticationMethods publickey Restart ssh service

Metaphysics and the paranormal: The jazz hands of life

I am baffled by people's reaction when I point out that the paranormal and the metaphysical are all garbage and, as I see them, vectors for abuse. More importantly, they take away from the actual mystery, wonder and beauty of the world because what is exalted and appreciated instead is the "jazz hands" and not the raw beauty of the subject.

Go after your dreams.

Your dreams and goals, especially those you formulate as a young adult while getting ready for the world, are not flights of fancy. Pursuing your dreams is not an indulgence. Abandoning or neglecting the pursuit of your dreams for the sake of what's easy or practical is soul crushing and self-defeating. Pursuing your dreams is not only your duty, it is your birthright. - Anthony Camilo.

Dear "The Onion" RE: Ms. Wallis Oscar Tweet apology.

Apology unnecesary, this was classic Onion humor and hilarious. Wendell Pierce is a self righteous and humorless cunt. It is obvious that this was satire and not meant seriously. Anyone who complained about this should be ashamed, specially since they all obviously let their kids read The Onion. I will be very dissapointed if The Onion "disciplines" the author of the joke, unless of course it involves Ms. Wallis tweeting that he's a poopy face.

On Depression

This is a comment I made to a post on : Background:  I've been depressed since my teens, but I wasn't diagnosed and treated until my late 20's. I am now almost 46, but just before I turned 40, a good friend committed suicide and shortly after that I was hospitalized for eight days for threatening to cut my own throat at work - I did not hurt myself or have ever attempted suicide, however I know exactly how I would do it if I ever chose to do it, although it is an option I no longer accept. Current status:  I am comfortable and having frequently more good days than bad. The thought of wanting to die is less persistent for me, although it is still there but more as an annoying thought, like a song that's stuck in your head. Methods:  I'll share what has been most effective for me, in no particular order: Finding the right medication (I tried several, Lexapro has worked best for me). Finding a therapist that acts as coach and


In response to CEO salaries are not the only income they receive, you are neglecting to include company stock, performance bonuses, goal bonuses and other perks which very few if any of the minimum wage employees receive yet, they contribute towards. Hierarchy and casts are societal needs. Some people want to be rich and work hard to get there, but that does not entitle them to everything beyond their hard earned gains. There is no benefit to the rest of society and to the person who, in some cases, earns more than one thousand times the wages of any of their employees. Why should any person or family be deprived of basic health care, a living wage, the ability to save some of their money just because a few of us have this delusion that financial and material poverty is a choice. Costco is a good example of a company treating their employees fairly and, it makes a profit. Their profits may not